Bridgewater State University
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
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I wanted to make a bigger impact and sought opportunities to do so–first working in the registrar’s office and then ultimately working as an academic advisor. As an academic advisor, I worked directly with students assisting with program selection, transfer credit reviews, and scheduling courses appropriately to their program plan. But there was so much more to this role. As adult learners, this was a population of students who were balancing school, family, and full-time employment, in addition to many other personal challenges. I was able to provide moral support, cheer them on and encourage them to stay the course and not give up. Some of these students really needed someone to believe in them and their ability to reach the finish line, and it was rewarding to see their goals achieved.
I joined EdAssist because I wanted the opportunity to continue working with the adult student population. At EdAssist I assist with navigating the college landscape, arming client employees with knowledge of the many options available to them, and how to best make use of any prior education and experience. Some of the employees I work with have an extensive educational background, while others will be attending for the very first time. The educational background and work experience may vary from person to person, but my role is the same–to help them reach the goals they’ve set for themselves.
Bridgewater State University
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
My best piece of advice for adult learners is to really focus on time management. Schedule your time for efficiency and make good use of those pockets of time that can be used for smaller tasks (lunchbreak, train commute, waiting to pick up a child from an activity, etc.). Being organized and intentional with your time helps to create good study habits, which in the long run makes everything easier to manage.