Remote Work in Healthcare: Five Jobs You Can Do From Anywhere

Healthcare employee working remotely

When you think of industries that offer remote work opportunities, healthcare is usually not on that list. That has been changing, perhaps even more rapidly in recent years, due to an increase in demand and advancements in technology. With the global pandemic came a need to transition healthcare employees out of the facilities and into their homes. Technology improved out of necessity. And, the realization that it can have a positive impact on healthcare organizations as well as employees, will lead to more opportunities in the future. 

During coaching sessions, we often speak with employees who are looking to work from home and remain in the healthcare sector. The first recommended step is to explore careers that have the most in demand virtual options. You will then need to consider your professional experience, current education, and if you are willing to retrain. To get you started, here are five career options where you can find ample fully remote positions.

Nursing (Multiple Specialties) 

Yes, Nursing. Many non-clinical departments within healthcare organizations are realizing the value those with clinical knowledge and experience bring to the table. This may include areas within IT or health informatics, law or policy, risk management, case management, and more. For those with more experience, some organizations are even looking to hire Nurse Consultants. Consultants often coordinate with all departments at the office or hospital to ensure that patients are getting the best and safest care possible. Another specialty nurses can explore is education.  A nurse with an MSN in education for example could teach online nursing courses at a college.  


There is also an increase in demand for virtual patient care, sometimes referred to as tele-health or telemedicine. There are positions for Phone Triage Nurses available at many different healthcare organizations, including health insurance companies who now provide an option for tele-health to their customers. This is also true for any medical professional who can provide care or advice to patients virtually, such as Physician Assistants, Physical Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists or Psychologists. Even Pharmacists are available remotely to help patients understand their prescriptions and help them find the most affordable options. One more area with opportunity to work with patients from anywhere is Nutrition. Many Registered Dieticians are able to find remote job opportunities as Health and Wellness Coaches or helping patients at hospitals develop a nutrition plan that meets their medical needs and diagnoses. 

Medical Coder

Medical Billing and Coding is one field where working from home has been more common, even before the Pandemic. This is also a career in high demand, with many hospital organizations struggling to find Medical Coders. Medical Coders spend their days reviewing medical records to assign codes and ensure health care providers are properly reimbursed for services. Typically, location and work hours for this job are very flexible.

Medical Transcriptionist or Writer

Those with a good knowledge base and experience in healthcare might be well suited for a job in medical writing. A Medical Transcriptionist (or Scribe) is responsible for listening to voice recorded notes from doctors or actual recorded visits with patients. They transcribe the notes into the patient’s chart for quick reference for the providers. Accuracy, attention to detail, and medical terminology skills are required. Another option is medical writing. This role employs people who are able to take complex medical concepts and put them into simple English. The writing can include promotional materials, journal articles, medical website copy, textbooks, and much more.

Recruiter (Human Resources)

Many positions in human resources are now remote. You can find healthcare recruiting jobs with staffing agencies or healthcare facilities. Staffing agencies tend to be commission-based and can be quite lucrative for someone that excels at finding top talent. An HR role at the healthcare facility can provide a fixed salary and good benefits. No matter what option you chose, you will have an impact on the organization and the jobseekers you help. 

Recommended Next Steps

If you discover career fields or jobs that interest you or you feel you already have adequate knowledge and skills, it might be worth exploring them further by performing some online searches. I recommend looking at job openings so you can see exactly what these roles require in terms of education and experience. Flex Jobs is a great source for searching fully remote positions and you can filter by many different values. You can also do some deeper digging into these career fields by looking at the average salaries, education required, what the day to day is really like, and so on. Check out the Explore Healthcare Careers website. I hope that this is enough to get you started and on your way to finding a healthcare job that suites your desired lifestyle!

Valerie Jaquith, Senior Manager, Academic Coaching
About the Author
Valerie Jaquith
Director, Academic Coaching
Prior to joiningEdAssist, Valerie spent many years in higher education in several different roles within the University of South Florida. Working on the front lines in the undergraduate admissions office and then as a recruiter, she transitioned into academic advising for the College of Nursing's RN-BSN and RN-MSN programs. There, Valerie advised nurses from beginning to end of their degrees, creating program plans, performing transfer credit evaluations, tracking progression, implementing an RN technology and academic support orientation, and certifying degrees. Valerie holds a B.A. in Sociology and an M.A. in Adult Education from the University of South Florida. While atEdAssist, she also pursued a Certificate in Education and Career Advising through CAEL. Having been withEdAssistfor over 7 years, Valerie has been able to gain even more knowledge and insight into the education and career pathways for hospital employees and has consulted with thousands of nurses and employees looking to further their education.
Healthcare employee working remotely

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