From Our Blog: How Do Busy Parents Make Time for Friends?

working moms maintaining friendship by hugging
For busy working parents, fitting in exercise, grocery shopping, and some "me" time can be tough. Finding time to reconnect with friends? That's even more challenging. We asked our Family Room bloggers to share how they find time to catch up with friends while juggling busy schedules and the demands of work & parenthood.

Maintaining Friendships as a Working Parent: How Do You Do It?

"Commit to making plans in advance – checking the calendar and setting a date is so important to being able to keep in touch." - Marisa

"I wish I could say it was easy! Just like many aspects of life, there has to be a concentrated effort. As a working parent, your weekends tend to fill up quickly, so, as Marisa mentioned, it may be necessary to plan events or get-togethers in advance. On the flip side, I try to remember that it doesn’t have to be anything fancy – a quick coffee chat can go a long way too. And I have to say that social media does help with continuity in my friendships. You can’t let it “replace” all communication, but it certainly supplements it." - Melissa

"A couple of years ago my husband and I added a “night off” for each of us to our weekly routine. We're parents of three children, one of whom has special needs and one who is medically complex. Our children's needs mean that we’re “on” 24/7, so giving each other the gift of time has been incredibly valuable. My guilty pleasure is going to the movies, and I often meet a friend for dinner as well." - Jessie

"I'll be honest: mostly I don’t – our schedules are just so hard to match up. But I do meet my best friend for lunch during the work week." - Emily

"Mom Facebook groups… they're a great support system even if most of the parents are “virtual friends.” One of the groups for me is local, and I have found moms with toddlers to hang out with on it. You have to remember to carve out time for yourself, sure you’re a mom, employee, wife, cook, house-cleaner, chauffeur, etc. but you're also an individual. You need to make time for yourself, even if it is to go to Costco with a friend (if you ask me errands are always better with an iced coffee and someone to chat with)." - Aili

How about you, how do you find time for friends as a working parent?

Editor's Note: This article was first published in 2017 and has since been updated.


  • E-family: How to Be a Good Friend When You're a Busy Working Parent
  • Read more posts about work/life balance from The Family Room bloggers.
Bright Horizons
About the Author
Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands
working moms maintaining friendship by hugging