From Our Blog: Earth Day Art Activities for Children

preschoolers doing an Earth Day art project in a classroom
With Earth Day falling in April, it's a great time to teach children about the importance of taking care of our environment. Using art as a learning mechanism is a great method of teaching children in a hands-on way. Cultivate your child's creativity and teach them about the importance of being kind to our world all at the same time with these Earth Day art project ideas for kids.

Earth Day Arts & Crafts for Kids

Decorate rock creations using recyclable materials. Bright Horizons hosted a "Rocking Earth Day" contest on Facebook a few years ago with this very mission. Check out the awesome rock creations that were submitted by our crafty friends and families.

Try Earth painting. Finger paint with mud on sidewalks or paper or use non-toxic watercolors to paint river rocks. The water will wash the paint away.

Make pine cone or orange peel bird feeders. Cover a large pine cone with peanut butter and birdseed. Or, fill a hollowed-out orange with birdseed. Hang your creation outside your window and enjoy the sights and sounds of the bird visitors.

Craft cardboard box creations. Cars, rocket ships, houses...even arcades! Let your children's creativity run wild by letting them design their own art with a cardboard box. Amy recently shared projects her daughter created using cardboard and Bright Horizons has pinned even more cardboard box ideas on our Going Green Pinterest board.

Use the back side of notices, letters, etc. for drawing and painting. Rather than using new paper, use this opportunity to talk to your child about the importance of recycling and finding new or multiple uses for old materials.

Make abstract paintings using recyclable items as brushes. On the Bright Horizons YouTube Channel, we love to feature creative projects that are happening at our child care centers. This video from Bright Horizons at Spring Street (Lexington, MA) shows the Kindergarten Prep class learning about the abstract art of Kandinsky by making masterpieces using recyclable materials as tools:



  • E-family news: Earth Day Activities for Families
  • Bright Horizons Curriculum: Learn more about the ArtSmart & Our World curriculum elements at Bright Horizons
  • Growing Scientists: Activities and ideas to encourage scientific curiosity at home
  • Read more posts about Earth Day and posts about crafts from the Family Room bloggers
Bright Horizons
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Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands
preschoolers doing an Earth Day art project in a classroom