2024 Education Index Report

Adult learner sitting and learning in class

What do your employees really want?

Gain key insights into the changing priorities of today’s workforce.

Today’s employees overwhelmingly want to upskill and reskill to advance their careers (74%), but are looking to employers to provide learning opportunities that will help them achieve their career goals.

84% of employees said they would be loyal

to a company that invested in their education.

82% would choose one employer over another

if they offered education benefits.

Our fourth annual EdAssist Education Index report surveys 2,000 current US workers to understand their changing priorities, and educational needs, and explain how these trends may be impacting your employees’ ability to upskill and grow, and your ability to attract and retain top talent.

Download the report now to learn more about the education needs of current US workers and how supporting these needs provides significant benefits to both of you.

Check out our infographic which highlights some of the key findings from our Education Index. 

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About the Author
EdAssist by Bright Horizons
EdAssist by Bright Horizons empowers employees to reach their full potential through trailblazing employee education and student loan solutions. Our solutions give employees easy access to the learning opportunities they need to expand their skills, excel at their jobs, and open the door to more fulfilling work and more opportunities to grow.
Adult learner sitting and learning in class

Education Index Report

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