When it comes to planning or anticipating a big event, young children often struggle to grasp the concept of traditional calendars. To help them visualize the passage of time and count down to the big day, consider creating linear calendars or calendar chains. Calendar chains make time visible and allow children to anticipate transitions throughout the day, week, or month. These tools can make the waiting period more tangible and engaging for young children, turning anticipation into a fun and educational experience.
How to make a calendar chain
Start by cutting rectangle strips of paper. You can use various colors to represent different activities. For example, if preparing for a move to a new school, use three different colors: one to mark the days left at the old school, one for the weekends at home, and another color for the first day at the new school.
If there is something special happening on a day in the calendar chain, mark that paper strip using icons or drawings along with words. Using the example above, a trip to the store to buy a new backpack or an open house at the new school can be written and drawn on that strip of paper.
Link the strips of paper together to form a chain and place it in a visible area for your child. Each morning, allow your child to remove a link and discuss how the chain is getting shorter. This ritual provides a sense of connection and information about what’s happening, which can help soothe anxiety.