From Our Blog: 10 Baby Games & Activities for Playtime

infant playing at Bright Horizons

Humans are wired for play. It’s one of the primary ways we learn, communicate, and create bonds. Even young babies love playful games! Below are a few simple games to play with your baby today.  

  1. Tummy time. Lie down facing your baby and make funny faces.  
  2. Follow the leader. Did you know that imitation is an important way to help babies learn? Make a funny face, shake your head, or clap your hands and watch your baby imitate you.  
  3. Treasure baskets. Bright Horizons classrooms include treasure baskets and it’s easy to make them at home too. Gather a few everyday objects that are rich in texture or color. Soft brushes, silver spoons, or safe natural materials make great treasure basket options for exploration and discovery. Keep a basket in each room and rotate items in the basket from time to time.  
  4. Nursery rhymes. Singing with your baby is a comforting, pleasant ritual for you both. Learning nursery rhymes also builds early literacy skills. Try singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” when you put your baby to bed at night. Sing songs or nursery rhymes when you’re driving, bathing your baby, or preparing meals.  
  5. Baby sign language. Teachers often use sign language with babies because it boosts their language development and reduces their frustration. Even before they can say words, babies can use simple signs to communicate their needs. Teach your baby signs for basic words like more, drink, diaper, or play.  
  6. Water play. Whether it’s in the tub, or in a pail in the backyard, water is irresistible to babies. Offer a few cups or toy animals for exploring, and provide supervision.  
  7. Reading. Did you know that reading to your baby is one of the strongest predictors of later school success? And it’s a fun, peaceful experience for you both. Keep baskets of sturdy books in several rooms in the house and make reading together a daily event.  
  8. Nature walks. No need to drive to a nature park – kids can find nature in the most unlikely places. Walk down the street, visit a nearby park, or just explore your own backyard. Slow down and really observe. Look under rocks, feel tree bark, and smell the roses.  
  9. Fun with kitchen supplies. Place wooden spoons, plastic tubs, or pots and pans in a low cupboard where your baby can reach them independently. Let your baby stack, bang, and play to their heart’s content while you make dinner.  
  10. Dance party. Blow off steam, reduce stress, and have fun by turning on some music and dancing. Try kitchen dancing in the morning while you make breakfast or during dinner prep at the end of a long day.  

Bright Horizons
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Bright Horizons
Bright Horizons
In 1986, our founders saw that child care was an enormous obstacle for working parents. On-site centers became one way we responded to help employees – and organizations -- work better. Today we offer child care, elder care, and help for education and careers -- tools used by more than 1,000 of the world’s top employers and that power many of the world's best brands
infant playing at Bright Horizons