More than 80 Bright Horizons Clients Named to Working Mother’s 2019 "100 Best Companies" List

Working mom holding young daughter

September 26, 2019 Working Mother Magazine released its "2019 Working Mother 100 Best Companies" list and 83 of the companies, including all of the top 10 employers, are clients of Bright Horizons.

“We know from our Modern Family Index that 41 percent of working Americans view moms in the workplace as less devoted to their work, and 38 percent judge them for needing more flexible work schedules,” says Maribeth Bearfield, Bright Horizons Chief Human Resources Officer. “This list represents best-in-class organizations that recognize the value of having inclusive workplaces that support employees in all aspects of their lives and go beyond one-off benefits. Our clients who made the list are committed to creating transformational cultures that help their employees succeed. And, we are incredibly proud to partner with them to do that.”

The 2019 Working Mother 100 Best Companies application includes more than 400 questions on leave policies, workforce representation, benefits, childcare, advancement programs, flexibility policies and more. It surveys the availability and usage of these programs, as well as the accountability of the many managers who oversee them. Of the winners, 94 percent offer back-up child care.

“Parents are speaking out more than ever before about what they need in order to succeed at work and at home, and employers are paying attention,” says Meredith Bodgas, editor-in-chief of Working Mother. “By implementing family-friendly policies such as flexible schedules, paid parental leave, post-leave phase-back periods and mentoring programs, our 100 Best Companies are taking the needs of their employees into consideration in order to create a supportive, inclusive and productive environment.”

In addition to the “100 Best” list, Working Mother also named 67 women to its 2019 “Working Mothers of the Year” list. Sixty of the 67 women on the list work for employers who are clients of Bright Horizons.

Bearfield will participate in a panel on growing and retaining top talent at the 2019 Working Mother WorkBeyond Summit, October 16-17.

The complete list of Working Mother's 2019 100 Best Companies can be found here.