Bright Horizons Call Center Earns Prestigious Center of Excellence

[WATERTOWN, Mass., -- April 27, 2012] Bright Horizons Family Solutions®, the world’s leading provider of employer-sponsored child care, early education, and work/life solutions, today announced that its contact center has been certified as a Center of Excellence by BenchmarkPortal. The Center of Excellence recognition is one of the most prestigious awards in the customer service and support industry.

“At Bright Horizons, the first point of contact for many families is our call center. When families call us looking for care for their loved ones they need to be served by people who do much more than process a transaction – they need personal service from someone ready to provide a customized caring solution for them,” said Marc Bernica, Vice President of Operations at Bright Horizons. “We are honored to earn this recognition for the superb customer service we provide every day to working parents.”

The Bright Horizons Contact Center located in Broomfield, Colorado recently expanded its current facilities in order to accommodate the businesses’ rapid growth. It supports the company’s full service child care, emergency back-up care, adult learning and college counseling operations. The Contact Center has dedicated staff who constantly strives to provide exceptional customer service. Their customer satisfaction score averaged 97.3% for 2011.

BenchmarkPortal senior consultant Dru Phelps stated, "Agent satisfaction is one of the areas we survey in our assessment. Bright Horizons agents scored a dramatic 100% for having pride in their work and for providing sincere interactions with their clients. Bright Horizons earned their certification as a Center of Excellence
by meeting high performance standards and delivering quality service."

In order to be certified as a Center of Excellence by BenchmarkPortal, a call center must rank in the top 10% of the call centers surveyed. Call centers are judged against a balanced scorecard of metrics for efficiency and effectiveness. Contact centers that demonstrate superior performance on both cost-related metrics and quality- related metrics compared with their industry peers earn the award.

Media Contact:

Liz Kennedy