Bright Horizons Signs the Hispanic Promise Furthering Commitment to DEI in the Workplace
March 2, 2023 – Recently, Bright Horizons joined more than 280 companies in signing the Hispanic Promise, furthering the company’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. A program from We Are All Human, the Hispanic Promise supports the progress for the Hispanic Latino community in the areas of employment, education, health, and gender equality.
The Hispanic Promise is a framework that provides structured guidance around best practices, benchmarks, and tools to create inclusive environments to support employees who are Hispanic Latino. The partnership was identified by Bright Horizons’ Hispanic Latino Employee Advisory Group (EAG) as an opportunity to support the company’s inclusion vision.
The Hispanic Promise is the first-of-its-kind national pledge to hire, promote, retain, and celebrate people who are Hispanic in the workplace. The framework surrounding the Hispanic Promise will provide partnership and best practices in the areas of recruitment, hiring, developing, and retaining Bright Horizons employees from the Hispanic Latino community.
Lisa Salas, Center Director at Bright Horizons at Houston and co-chair for the Hispanic Latino EAG shared her perspective on signing the Hispanic Promise saying “it validates the work we do every day towards creating an inclusive workplace where all employees feel a sense of belonging and that we are valued and heard. I personally am proud of this step we have taken as I was a part of proposing to our senior leaders that we make this promise and so feel like I've been heard.”
To learn more about Bright Horizons’ commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion, visit here.