This activity promotes development and learning by encouraging children to listen to, understand, and respond to communication from others.
Materials Needed:
- Pictures from neighborhood (house, family member’s house, school, park, church, firehouse, school, toy store, farm, etc.)
- Sheet protectors or clear contact paper
- Masking tape
- Hole punch
- String
Participants: This activity is intended for adult/child interaction.
- Take or find pictures of buildings or places your child might be familiar with. If you can’t get out to take pictures, try the city website.
- Print out 4” x 6” pictures and cover each with contact paper or place them in a sheet protector and cut to the size of the picture. If you use a sheet protector, you will need to use masking tape to tape the sides that are open.
- Punch a hole through the pictures on the left side and tie them together with the string.
- Read the book with your child.
See PDF for photo examples.