This activity promotes development and learning by encouraging children to develop positive relationships with adults and other children, as well as develop positive self-image.
Materials Needed:
- Scavenger hunt list (below)
- Writing utensil
Participants: This activity is intended for adult/child interaction, and 2 or more participants/players.
Mark the items off the scavenger hunt list as you or your child complete them:
Help someone complete a task.
Tell or read a story with someone.
Send a card or picture to a loved one.
Give someone in your family a hug.
Ask someone else what they want to play or do and do it.
Find something you know someone else will enjoy.
Find something that you love to smell.
Find something that makes you laugh.
Share something that makes you laugh.
Cook or bake something with an adult.
Make a gift for someone else.
Find something in nature that makes you happy.
Take turns playing with your favorite toy or material.
Pick one person, make a list of everything you like about them.
Make a list of everything you like about you.
Add your own ideas!